
Chrissy and Flip ~ Retraining Thoroughbreds for Eventing

This is Chrissy, with her off the track Thoroughbred (OTTB), named Flip. Thoroughbreds who don't make it as a racehorse can be retrained for many, many other uses. A second career as an event horse is a popular choice for many thoroughbreds, and this is why Chrissy took on Flip for a retraining project.

Chrissy  specifically picked Flip because of his athletic build and correct confirmation, so she wouldn't have to battle confirmation flaws while retraining him. Chrissy also liked his outgoing personality and "can do" attitude, which has helped him overcome some of the scarier parts of event horse training. His rider will be pleased with that later in his career when they are faced with unusual obstacles.

About 75% of the work Chrissy does with Flip is flat work, which is helping him learn to stretch through his back and neck. Flip loves to jump, but until his body can become more flexible through the important work they do on the flat, he is at the limit if his abilities over fences. To keep him fresh and having fun, Chrissy shows him in jumper shows where he gets practice for the stadium part of eventing later on. 

* Do you know the order in which the three tests in a three day event are ridden, and why?

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