
The Mystery of Your Pony's Yawn

When humans yawn we do it because our brain is asking for more oxygen. But a horse doesn't always yawn for the same reason. More often a horse will yawn when it is uncomfortable. Your horse or pony might yawn when you take the bridle off because it needs to stretch out the jaw muscles. They might yawn if their stomach feels upset. 

Some people believe yawning is a way of relieving stress, or a sign that your horse or pony suddenly feels less stressed, like after a  massage or a chiropractic treatment. 

If you notice your horse or pony yawning more than normal, it might be good to mention this to your vet, just in case it is a sign he or she is hurting somewhere you can't see.


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  2. Aw my pony. I think she yawned because she was in pain back then. She has a few issues such as allergies and she had lymes back then but now she doesn't. It took awhile to find out how to treat her, but now she's doing really well - in fact the best she's been in her whole life! She's the best pony!
