
Jane and the Hanoverian

Wahiro is a 13 year old Hanoverian who was imported from Germany by his owner, Jane. Wahiro competes in Fourth Level Dressage and in this photo he is demonstrating an uphill canter.

Dressage tests start with USDF Introductory Tests which are performed at the walk and trot only. The progression of more advanced tests are:
* Training Level Tests 1 - 4 in which the horse and rider show themselves at the walk, trot, working canter, free rein, circles and halts.
* First Level Tests 1- 4 which add lengthening strides, canter loops, stretching down at the trot, and leg yielding.
* Second Level Tests 1-4 which add movements such as the collected trot, renvers, half turn on the haunches, and serpentines at the canter with simple lead changes.
* Third Level Tests 1-3 which add movements such as flying changes and counter canter.
* Fourth Level Tests which add movements such as collected canter, half pass, shoulder in, half-pirouette, three flying lead changes and an extended canter.  

After Fourth Level comes Prix St. George, Intermediaire I and II, followed by the most difficult test, Grand Prix which adds movements such as Piaffe and Passage. 

The origins of dressage movements are quite surprising. Check back another day for a fascinating trip into Greek history and the cavalryman Xenophone.

* Do you know what a test is called when it is performed to music?

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