
Rachel and Cherokee

This is Rachel and her horse, Cherokee, a Paint horse whose coloring is called "overo." 

Paint horses have a combination of colors which include white patterns on bay, chestnut, black, bay or sorrel colors. Cherokee has two blue eyes, which isn't uncommon for Paint horses

A registered Paint horse must have two registered Paint Horse parents, or one Paint horse crossed with either an American Quarter horse or Thoroughbred. Their body structure is more similar to a Quarter Horse with a muscular body type with powerful hindquarters.

Occasionally two Paint parents can produce a solid color foal, but they can still be registered with the American Paint Horse Association. 



  1. This is tobiano not overo.

  2. Thank you for your comment. There is a fine line between tobiano and overo, and Cherokee has the markings more consistent of an overo. However, I have written his previous owner to ask what his registration papers say and will let you know. Thanks for reading!
